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Executing hundreds of combat missions with top-tier units around the world, earning some of the highest and most respected awards in his tenure, to become not only the top but the top one percent in his field. Humble enough to take on new tasks and new missions as a beginner. Becoming an elite ski patrol and now training to be a mountain guide. This is the origin story of 20-year veteran Navy Seal, Sean Evangelista.

Most aspire to eventually reach the mountains, the peak, not just figuratively but literally. Very few make it, not because they lose interest, but because they lose their lives in combat. Sean made it to the mountains, he thrives in it, he remembers his brothers and shares his adventure with them in spirit!! While looking over the dark edge he honors those men, he honors his own comittment to never settle, to never stop learning, never stop teaching, and most of all to never stop finding a way no matter how dark the edge!

Sean Evangelista Skydiving while stationed at SDVT-1 in Hawaii.

“Extremely powerful from start to finish. Makes you want more.”

Nancy K 

Editor | Technical Writer




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